Parents have been urged to be more vigilant as new figures show a 95 per cent increase in the number of unaccompanied learner drivers on Kerry’s roads detected by Gardaí between 2023 and 2024.
Gardai in the county issued 42 fixed charge notices to unaccompanied learner drivers in Kerry in the second quarter of 2023 but they issued 82 in the corresponding period in 2024.

Highlighting the issue, MEP Cynthia Ní Mhurchú said it is against the law to drive unaccompanied on a learner permit and penalties apply if one is convicted of driving unaccompanied or you allow a vehicle to be driven by an unaccompanied learner driver.
“Learner drivers lack the experience and judgment required to handle complex driving situations. That can mean more accidents on our roads,” she said.
“When an inexperienced driver gets behind the wheel of a car without any supervision, they are endangering themselves, other drivers and other road users,” the Fianna Fáil MEP stated.
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