Picture: Domnic Walsh
The 19th August deadline for nominations for the 2024 Kerry Person of the Year and for the 2024 Laochra Chiarrai award is rapidly approaching.
Nomination forms from the Kerry Association in Dublin are available by emailing info@kerryassociation.ie.
From the inaugural Kerry Person of the Year award, presented to Dr Michael Carmody in 1979. to Katie Hannon last year, the roll of honour of previous recipients is most impressive, even on a national level, and it demonstrates the vast array of talented Kerry people from all walks of life.

Some of the previous recipients include the late Micheál Ó Muircheartaigh, the late John B Keane, Sr Consilio, Mick O’Connell, Dick Spring, Jimmy Deenihan, Dr Patricia Sheehan and Mick Galwey.
Previous recipients of the Laochra Chiarrai award include the Ring of Kerry Charity Cycle Committee, Radio Kerry GAA sports broadcasters Ambrose O’Donovan and Tim Moynihan and the Listowel Tidy Towns Committee.
The individual selected as Kerry Person of the Year and the group selected for the Laochra Chiarrai award must have shown leadership, brought honour to and performed charitable or other services to such an extent that could be regarded as being beyond the norm of everyday life.
The winners of both awards will be announced in early September. They will be formally presented with their awards at the Kerry Association’s Oiche Chiarrai gala dinner in the Louis Fitzgerald Hotel, Naas Road, Dublin on Saturday, October 19th.
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