A full year since the Deposit Return Scheme was introduced, it has been hailed as a great success by the Government.
Householders and businesses throughout Killarney and across Kerry have embraced the scheme which was designed to significantly reduce single-use waste.
In its first six months 350 million containers were returned and, by the end of its first year, over 980 million containers have been collected through the scheme, diverting millions of plastic bottles and aluminium cans from landfill and litter.
The scheme has also taken off at a grassroots level, with community and charity organisations using it for fundraising.
Environment and Energy Minister, Darragh O’Brien, said the effort being made by people is making a real difference in reducing waste and promoting recycling and he looks forward to an even stronger 2025.
“Essential to the success of the scheme has been the Irish beverage industry and retailers who, through Re-turn, have come together to build an entirely new recycling model. With over 3,000 return points nationwide, it ensures maximum coverage for urban and rural communities alike.”

- There has been 84% public participation with the DRS, with 90% recognition of the Re-turn logo/brand
- Over 980 million containers have been returned for recycling
- There are over 3,000 return points across the country
- There has been a 50% reduction in the prevalence of plastic bottles and cans in litter
- €90,000 has been raised for the Return for Children charity initiative.
- A key objective of the scheme is the achievement of Ireland’s EU separate collection target for plastic beverage bottles as mandated by the Single Use Plastics Directive – 90% by 2029, with an interim target of 77% by 2025
- The uptake of the DRS has been very positive and 980 million containers have been returned.
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