Kerry County Council and Age Friendly Kerry will host a road safety conference for older drivers on Tuesday, October 8 at the Rose Hotel in Tralee.
The event, which is free of charge, will take place from 10.30am to 2.00pm.
The conference is being organised and hosted by the council and the local authority’s road safety officer, Declan Keogh
Anna May McHugh of the National Ploughing Association will be among the keynote speakers along with representatives from Kerry County Council, An Garda Síochána, the Road Safety Authority, the Older People’s Council and a road safety consultant for older drivers.

“Older drivers have shared their experiences with me and with Kerry County Council in recent times, though meetings with Age Friendly Kerry and the Older People’s Council, and they have described some of what they encounter on the road as older drivers,” said Declan Keogh.
“Some have recalled aggression, tailgating and being placed under pressure to move on, while others had questions regarding losing their licence if it expires and what the requirements were on eyesight and medical tests for driving licences. This was the starting point for the older drivers’ conference,” he added.
The conference aims to promote the positive, independent experience of driving for longer and a number of exhibitors will be on hand to provide information and advice to older drivers.
Those interested in attending are being reminded they must register for their free ticket through EventBrite.ie.
A link to tickets is here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/older-drivers-road-safety-conference-tickets-1024159607957?aff=oddtdtcreator.
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