New captains at Ross hold their big drive-in

New Ross Golf Club Captain John Ivory (front right) with President Michael Casey and Lady Captain Mark Moynihan and members at the drive-in

The new captains at Ross Golf Club held their big drive-in at the weekend with a great turnout for which the weather remained favourable and perfectly suitable for good golf.

The new captain is club stalwart John Ivory with Mary Moynihan the lady captain and Michael Casey the club president.

There was a 10.00am start for the drive-in which was followed by a mixed scramble sponsored by Fexco.

The drive-in scramble winners receive their prizes from Captain John Ivory and Lady Captain Mary Moynihan

The course was in fantastic condition for the occasion thanks to Padraig Bruton and his team who worked hard to ensure it was in immaculate condition.

The scramble was followed by the prizegiving ceremony and refreshments in the clubhouse with a very sociable atmosphere on the bank holiday Monday.

The scramble winners were:

1st: John Cuskelly, Cathriona Shanahan, Maurice Coffer and Michael J O’Sullivan.

2nd: Renaldas Bendikas, John Fleming, Noreen O’Mahony and John Joe Healy.

3rd: Alan Flynn, Bridie Brosnan, Dermot O’Connor and John O’Brien. Everyone reads it – ask anyone. Call 087-2229761 to advertise