Progress on junctions expected early next year

A new lay-out and roundabout will be provided on the bypass road

Progress is expected in the first quarter of 2025 in the long-awaited improvement works at the junctions linking Upper Lewis Road with the Killarney Bypass and the road leading from the Bypass to Kilcummin.

Local councillors have been told that the necessary land acquisition is underway and the matter is progressing while consultations are ongoing with the Health Service Executive to finalise a route through the St Finan’s Hospital site.

Officials said that, subject to design approval, the Part 8 planning process will commence early in 2025 for a new underpass and active travel link between Lewis Road and Ballydribbeen.

The junction with Lewis Road is a known accident blackspot although he situation has been improved considerably by the installation of bollards that has forced traffic turning in from the bypass to slow down. Reaching thousands of readers every day. To advertise call 087-2229761 or email