Pictures: Valerie O’Sullivan
A stunning traditional cottage, modelled on a medium-sized 1930 style farmhouse in Barleymount, outside Killarney, has been extensively restored and is now open at Muckross Traditional Farms.
Bean an Tí, Siobhan Giles, is welcoming everyone back to Foley’s Cottage and she would love people to sample her traditional soda bread and butter, baked on the griddle and open fire.

The cottage has undergone a complete restoration of using traditional materials for the re-roof, re-thatch and, with more modern slant, the provision of an under-floor geothermal heating system.
The aim is to preserve the fabric of the building for future generations and the project, using the skills of master craftsmen, should last 200 years.
Foley’s Cottage was painstakingly restored under the direction of the Trustees of Muckross House.
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