A new development officer has been appointed by the MacGillycuddy Reeks Mountain Access Forum with a brief of strengthening the organisational structure and sustaining the upland recreational infrastructure as well as working with local enterprises and communities to deliver meaningful socio-economic benefits from the recreational tourism opportunities.
Ronan O’Connor will work with the group over the next three years towards delivering its prioritised aims. The forum was set up in 2014 by South Kerry Development Partnership CLG, in conjunction with the rural recreation section of then Department of Environment, Community and Local Government, and has as its core the provision of a representative management structure for the MacGillycuddy Reeks mountain range.

Picture: Valerie O’Sullivan
One of Ronan’s key roles will be to work closely with the landowners to address the ongoing issues they have identified. Funding for the post is provided through the Department of Community and Rural Development and it is for an initial three-year period.
The role will also focus on developing links with other upland areas across the country as well as targeting specific funding streams to enable additional works to be undertaken.
“The forum has proved very successful to date in bringing all of the key stakeholders together to manage this vital asset for South Kerry and I hope to build on the extensive work undertaken to date during my time in the role,” said Ronan who will be based out of the SKDP office at the Old Barracks in Beaufort village and can be contacted by e-mail at reeksforum@skdp.net
His appointment has been welcomed by forum chairperson, Stewart Stephens, who said he believes his appointment will be the catalyst to enable the forum build on its success to date.
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