Traffic gridlock on the streets of Killarney has been branded a disgrace.
Cllr Martin Grady said there is chronic traffic on the streets and on the roads leading into town and the situation is no longer acceptable.
“It’s s a disgrace. Killarney is and has been the goose laying the golden egg for decades in terms of generating revenue yet we are getting nothing in return,” he complained.

He said Kerry and, in particular, Killarney are only getting the crumbs off the table from government and funding for road improvements was also cut this year.
“The Killarney-Farranfore bypass project must start moving fast – Adare gets a week event in 2027 and the bypass gets the go ahead there,” he said in reference to preparations for the Ryder Cup of that year.
“It wasn’t too long ago when I was in school and playing underage football when buses were available for everyone, in both urban and rural areas, and this reduced traffic.
“Our railway routes are halved compared to what it was decades ago and the national park has us completely landlocked on the other side of town,” Cllr Grady stated.
He urged Transport Minister Eamon Ryan and Transport Infrastructure Ireland officials to visit Killarney to see what’s happening on the ground and what the people of Killarney must put up with.
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