Tracing the footsteps of Kerry emigrants

Highly regarded genealogist and author Kay Caball

An engaging talk on a fascinating subject has been scheduled for Killarney this Wednesday night to mark the official opening of the three-day Celebration of Irish American Friendship.

The lecture, which is open to all and free of charge, will be delivered by genealogist and author Kay Caball in the Garden Room of Killarney House (8.00pm).

It is a most appropriate venue given that it was the home of the late entrepreneur and philanthropist John McShain who gave Killarney House and Gardens to the State as well as donating Innisfallen Island, Ross Castle and 8,000 acres of parkland, mountains and lakes to the people.

Entrepreneur and philanthropist John McShain

As part of the July celebrations last year, Killarney marked the amazing generosity of the McShain and Bourn Vincent families with a celebration of music, song, poetry and drama in celebration of their amazing generosity.

This year’s Celebration of Irish American Friendship will continue the same theme and this Wednesday night’s public talk will examine the topic of Kerry emigration to the US from 1820 and 1920.

The Garden Room in Killarney House

Ms Caball will reflect on who emigrated and why, how and to where they travelled and the connections their descendants have with Kerry today.

A genealogist certified by the University of Limerick, she is a native of Kerry with a background of research of the history and life events of the county.

Ms Caball’s area of specialisation in the history and genealogy of Kerry gives her an exceptional overview of the lives and the county over the past two hundred years.

An established author, her highly regarded publications include The Kerry Girls: A history of girls sent to Australia from the workhouses (2014), Finding Your Ancestors in Kerry (2015) and The Fall of the Fitzmaurices: The Demise of Kerry’s first family (2020). Read by thousands of people every day: To advertise call 064-6631281 or 087-2229761