Killarney friary welcomes three new novices

New arrivals: Br Florian Schlittler, Br Donal O’Grady and Br Jan-Markus Pinjuh

Just weeks after five young men celebrated their First Profession, having completed their introductory novitiate year in the Franciscan Friary in Killarney, three new novices have arrived in town to embark on their faith journey.

Jan-Markus Pinjuh from Austria, Florian Schlittler from Switzerland and Donal O’Grady from Canada have entered the order and are settling into life in Killarney as they start out on the journey towards priesthood.

Novice Master Fr Antony Jukes

Killarney is the Northern European and inter-provincial novitiate and, in the coming year, the three young men will spend the coming year learning about the Franciscan way of life and will dedicated themselves to prayer, brotherhood and community as they are given the space to determine if they really have a vocation.

During the course of the year, they will attend classes on Franciscan spirituality, theology, history and different forms of prayer and they were also assigned to pastoral work placements which involved volunteer work with local charities.

They will then return to their home provinces or countries where they will continue their training and studies before taking final vows in which they commit themselves fully to the Franciscan way of life.

Fr Antony Jukes, OFM, is the Novice Master whose role it was help oversee the programme for the year and to journey with the novices to help them to determine whether religious life with the Franciscan Order was the path they were called to. Let promoting your business be our business. To advertise call 064-6631281 or 087-2229761